Our First PTA Meeting!

We are thrilled to announce and bring you news of our first PTA meeting!

Our first ever Parent Teacher Association meeting was held on March 6, 2016. There were 52 parents who attended the meeting out of 72 parents who have their children in our school — an attendance rate of almost 82%! Seven staff members of PEI also attended for a total to 59 participants.

The goal of the formation of PTA and the meeting is to gather input from parents and staff as we evaluate our progress thus far and decide on priorities for the project.

Here is the meeting agenda:

  • Provide feedback to stakeholders and gather feedback from parents and staff
  • Dress code
  • School Bus
  • Formation of PEI PTA
  • Other Matters

We are proud of our sponsors who have made the project possible. Out of the 52 parents who were in attendance, none of them gave negative feedback about the project. All of them were saying that they have witnessed and are still seeing great changes in their children lives since they started the school at PEI when they compare their children to other students other schools. All of them thanked the teachers and the team of PAAJAF for the great effort we have put forth and our current status.

The feedback was very encouraging and energizes us to continue our work and strive to create a vibrant educational center for our children and our community.

Here is a quick rundown on what was discussed:

Parents were advised to follow the PEI dressing code to help keep the school neat and students in uniform.

Many students come from a long distance and it is putting lot of stress on the parents everyday to bring their children to school and pick them up in the afternoon. Since we do not at this time have the funds to buy a school bus, the suggestion was put forward whether we might be able to negotiate with the one of the commercial drivers in the community to provide student transportation. This would however be a very expensive solution but it seems our only option at the moment. It was decided that we would explore the possibility.

A number of parents raised the idea of getting some kind of seed fund started that would enable us to take out an installment loan to purchase a school bus. We will seek out help in raising funds for either purchasing a bus outright or taking out a loan for a school bus.

The PTA was formed so that we can be accountable to and enlist the help of our students’ parents as stakeholders in the project. In view of this, 7 committee members were elected to steer the affairs of the association.


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